Condo Law Watch



Sound the Alarm: New Illinois Law Requires 10-Year Battery Smoke Alarms to Be Installed in Homes

In 2017, the Illinois General Assembly passed Public Act 100-0200 to update the Illinois Smoke Detector Act. Public Act 100-0200 requires all Illinois single and multi-family homes to have a smoke alarm with a sealed 10-year battery by January 1,… Continue Reading →

Update On Residency Requirements To Serve On A Condo Board In Illinois

The Illinois legislature has amended the Illinois Condominium Property Act (the “Act”) and while not mandatory, it allows Boards of Directors to implement policies on how Boards can be composed.  Pursuant to Section 18(a)(1) of the Act, the change now… Continue Reading →

The End of the Illinois Eviction Moratorium

As of October 4, 2021, the Illinois Eviction Moratorium has ended. This means that residential tenants can once again be evicted from their units. The ending of the Illinois Eviction Moratorium also means that a “covered person” is no longer protected… Continue Reading →

The Floodgates Will Open: An End to the Illinois Eviction Moratorium

Gov. JB Pritzker has announced a phase out of the statewide moratorium on evictions to begin August 1, 2021, and to end by August 31, 2021.  This announcement was made in conjunction with the state’s launch of a $1.5 billion… Continue Reading →

Small Business Survival: Winter Weather Tips

Illinois winters can be brutal as the conditions increase the rate of slip and fall accidents. Inadequate or improper snow removal can be one of the contributing factors. The following tips regarding snow and ice removal as well as property… Continue Reading →

Almost 6 years After Palm II and Some Boards Are Still Not Following the Law!

It’s been a while since the infamous Palm II case came down and caused chaos in the Illinois association world. Because it’s been a couple of years, and as we have encountered situations where board members seem to have become lax… Continue Reading →

Are Your Proxies Valid Under Illinois Law?

In the context of homeowners and condominium associations, a proxy is a document authorizing a person to act or vote on behalf of an owner who is unable to attend a meeting. Proxies are most commonly used at board elections… Continue Reading →

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