Condo Law Watch


Appellate Court

Governing Document Production and You: New Caselaw Regarding Excessive Charges to Sellers

By: Sarah Elizabeth Melendez Have you had a request for governing documents? Have you sold a condominium in the last few years? Are you currently living in one and plan to sell it in the foreseeable future? If you sold one,… Continue Reading →

Legal Update: Chicago Tenants Now Have Five Years to File a Lawsuit Against Landlords Who Unlawfully Enter into Their Unit to Take Possession

By Joseph Silverstein Evicting a tenant in Illinois requires a detailed legal process. Therefore, it is important for landlords to be patient and wait for the court to enter a formal eviction order providing possession of the unit versus taking voluntary… Continue Reading →

Do You Take Minutes in Executive Sessions?

A topic of great discussion is whether minutes should be kept for executive “closed” sessions and, if so, how detailed they should be.  Previously, there was little guidance for association boards and many were cautioned to not take minutes for… Continue Reading →

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