Many cities and villages throughout the country are now under “shelter in place” or “stay at home” orders to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. It is essential that board members and property owners understand how to prepare their community and residents during the rapidly evolving coronavirus pandemic. Tressler’s dedicated HOA and Condo Law attorneys encourage property management companies, boards, community managers and anyone housing residents to follow these important tips:

1. Assess critical and non-critical building and/or community functions. Determine which must continue with some degree of normalcy.

2. Determine relevant closures of community areas. Frequently check for updates from credible sources (i.e. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization and your local government).

3. Create contingency plans in case management, front desk staff and/or security staff are unable to work.

4. Set a protocol for deliveries, including food and grocery services. Similarly, set a protocol for residents picking up drop-off or delivery items.

5. Determine whether visitor restrictions should be put in place.

6. Communicate frequently and clearly. Use a range of communication methods such as email, social media, printed notices posted in common areas and more.

7. Provide residents with up-to-date contact information to report urgent issues. You may request that residents inform management if someone in the home is sick prior to having a service request performed in order to best protect all parties.

8. Instruct staff and/or Property Management to stay home if they are sick or exhibiting symptoms of acute respiratory illness.

9. Consider postponing open houses and/or showings of properties for sale.

10. Instruct residents to remain in their respective homes and not congregate in the hallways and/or other common areas. The CDC currently recommends maintaining a distance of at least 6 feet between individuals to limit the spread of COVID-19.

11. Disinfect and sanitize commonly touched surfaces (elevator buttons, door handles, etc.) with greater frequency.

We understand the challenges you are facing during this unprecedented time. If you need assistance formulating a plan or if you have any questions, please contact one of our experienced HOA Attorneys: Kat Formeller at or Kathy Heitkemper at

Tressler attorneys are known for providing fast, personalized and cost-effective legal support. We’re here and ready help.