The City Council of Chicago has amended Municipal Ordinance 13-72-080 regarding inspection of records of a condominium association. Previously, the ordinance specified that financial records needed to be made available to owners who request so in writing, within ten days. Now, as of publication of the amended ordinance, which we have available here (O2013-9114) in PDF form, this timeline is extended to thirty days, the same timeline as the Illinois Condominium Property Act. This means that boards must make books and records of account available for inspection, upon written request, within thirty days for Chicago-based associations.
Notably, this ordinance as amended also requires that a Chicago condominium association make the financial books and records available for inspection for the current year and immediately preceding ten fiscal years. This language also includes itemized receipts and detail of expenditures, much like the language in Section 19 of the 2014 Condominium Property Act.